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What is Masculinity?

This is a video of people's opinion of what is masculinity. The voice overs are taken from speakers that address the issue to make people more aware and change the way they think of masculinity.

The video highlights the contrast of what is believed to be masculine and how men really feel and talk about the issue.

Video talkers include Joe Ehrmann and Kyle Krieger, where both talk about the idea of masculinity in different ways. Ehrmann address it in a more general issue where he talks about some of the myths he believes in and how we should change (the video of the talk is also available in a previous blog post) while Krieger talks about his own experience of how he was never the masculine acting man and felt like he could never measure up to his father's expectations and therefore considered himself "not the son he invisioned.

Masculinity is confidence, confidence in yourself if you have that it will show others your emotional strength, which is valued a lot more then a deep voice.

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