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Here's a Question..

Here's a question, why is it that sometimes it is easier to put our words on paper then simply speak out? What is the power that writing has?

Maybe it is just because through writing we can easily express something without having to really think, it is a free space where anything can be written whether about a personal experience or just an opinion. Writing should be the same as speech, everyone should have a voice, not just through writing but in normal conversations, there is no reason either men or woman should stay quiet when they want to voice their opinion or feelings. If something upsets you, share it, holding it in will only make it worse for yourself and everyone else. Your opinion and feeling matters.

When I asked a few men some questions and made them write on paper their answers, they found it hard to put how they felt in so little words, and some even struggled to find the words as perhaps they didn't feel like they were asked enough about their opinion. But more importantly they had the space on the page to fill out and write as much as they wanted and felt like without caring what someone else would think or say. If someone read it they might not think it was answered by guys, but that is the point, men have feelings too.

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