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Real Men Don't Cry... so they say

We are constantly told that real men don't cry. But first ask yourself what does it mean to be a real men? What it means if you are a men that cries? it simply means that you are human and you have feelings and those feelings may be expressed through the act of crying. More people should do what this youtuber (connor front) did, simply admit the fact that we cry, something so simple that society sees as weakness. This notion is a simple idea that brings up many more issues like why isn't it ok for men to express their feelings? Why is it that now we see this youtbuer as brave for admitting that he cries, it shouldn't be something that society would find shocking to see but for some reason we do.

Stop and think when was the last time you cried? Who did you tell? Where you alone? and just know you are not alone, men cry too it's just that society has made us have the need to hide it.

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